Monday, November 19, 2007

\Shameless fangirl urge//

Sumimasen... I just have this indescribable urge to say this. Peacemaker Kurogane is a nice show, albeit sad though.

I'm Confused|Monday, November 19, 2007|

\Peacemaker Kurogane...//

Actually its quite hard to watch finish the series cuz its depressing to know that they're all gonna die in the end. But its bloody funny. (OMG, if you simply HAVE to write haikus, throw them away afterwards so Souji won't get them afterwards, Hijikata san...) I'll try to find the haiku eppie and upload next time. This video is the one which I found the most amusing even though Saizo the pig doesn't make an appearence but Souji is tooo friggin' CUTE!!!!

Well, tmr 4am, I'm off to the airport. Its too darn early if you ask me and only one third of my stuff in the luggage. The rest are stuff we're donating... I'm gonna bring loads of stuff back from Cambodia... and study for JLPT while I'm over there...

Owari. Ja ne.

I'm Confused|Monday, November 19, 2007|

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Friday, November 16, 2007

\Never judge a book by its cover. Or a granny in this case...//

I can't believe I forgot all about this... But it was entertaining...

During extended studies, I asked a friend to lend me her yaoi comics and I was like reading it during extended studies. Then granny was bored so she asked me to lend her something to read so I lent the one of the two comics. I did warn her about the, er, explicit content but she still read it all the same.. But she couldn't stomach the first um explicit part which was like an excerpt from a gay novel. After a few days, she tried reading it again and sort of got hooked on the storyline which was really touching actually... Then Fish, who was sitting beside her started reading it too... and then, The Sal read it too cuz she was bored as well... I did warn them about the explicit content but they were tooo bored... Like what abi said, "this over this equals to this over this and equals to this over this and this over this therefore equals to this." We had to endure like dunno how long of that kind of cheemology... But my whole point is that Granny is actually not that pure but pure enough to skip the sex scenes. I will never understand her, man...*stifled laughter in the background*
No offence Granny... I just found it very cute and hilarious...


I'm Confused|Friday, November 16, 2007|

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Friday, November 09, 2007

\I sooo sympathize with Sadako or whatever her name is...//

So, today, we went to Granny's house and watched the Ring. The horror movie. But we kept getting distracted by her freaky dog who everyone else found so adorable with the exception of yours truly. And frankly, I was more scared of the dog than the show... But you've gotta hand it to that dog, man... I mean, HE CAN FRIGGIN LICK HIS NOSE!!! (how many people you know can do that?) And Pudding is actually nice to him... It's at times like these when I wished I was cute. So maybe Pudding will be nicer to me or something...

Y'know, I think I'm a bit of a freak...I found the show sooo touching at the part where the woman finds the skull in the well when everyone else was freaking out. And no one else saw the slime as the dead person's tears... Well it was pretty obvious to me because,
1) It was oozing out of the eye socket.
2) She was finally being found after dunno how many years...
3) Disgusting as her carcass was, the woman actually hugged her.
Isn't it reason enough to start bawling? If I were her, I'd definitely start crying me eyes out...

Also, why I think I am not as affected by the whole hair-covering-face ghosts thingy is because I imitate them too much... -_-'''

After Pudding left, we played Donkey; Toothpaste version 1.1; me, fish, leaf and granny. Whoever is the donkey gets a letter from the word donkey smeared on her face with toothpaste. I think I outdid myself with the N on granny's face but it was waaay more decent that the D granny painted on Leaf's face or the O leaf painted on Fish's face. We played three rounds so I didn't kena. So, good for me lor. Then Fish's dad gave me a lift home... It was like meeting your future parents-in-law kinda thing (Fish, accept my proposal la...) I totally understand how a boyfriend meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time feels... And me and Fish nearly got run over by a white MPV...That was scary... very very scary...

Otomen is sooooo cute... I want a boyfriend like Asuka...he is like ideal housewife or house husband. He cooks and cleans (..and promises to be home be seven in the evening.. Mocca ads are catchy.) and sews and fights and is cute to boot. What more can a girl want? I bought the first book today and S.A. book 4 and a oneshot at Com Con today before we went to Granny's house. Oh and I borrowed three books from Granny. This hols sure ain't gonna be boring... XXDD

Oh and follow up from Pudding's french menu:
Right now, Apple is launching their newest product, the iBra.
The special edition is shaped like hams and capable of insulting at boob level. Also, the iBra also has pre-recorded features like bloody idiots, bloody fools, I'm gonna kill you. Any insults; you name it, the iBra's got it. It's a whole new trend. jackets that play music, bras that insult. So hurry down and buy yours today. The iBra, Ham edition.


I'm Confused|Friday, November 09, 2007|

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Monday, November 05, 2007


Yes, yes. I know that while the rest of the world have been updating their blogs, mine remained in a comatose state so I shall revive it with my rusty CPR skills!!!

Just in case you didn't know, I'll probably burst the lungs of whoever I do CPR on now...

Well, anyway. Today, chem SPA is finally over and as usual, the single digit IQ me made a stooooopid mistake like actually getting 212 for molar mass (no idea how I did that...) Am I stupid or am I stupid? But oh well, finally end of exams for this year. (WATER! WATER!) Not including JLPT though... Haizzz. My brain will probably be fried crispy by the end of this year, assuming I have one anyway....

OMG!!!! I finally possess 3r pictures of the one and only YamaP!!! XD He is soooo cute it should be a crime for anyone to be so freaking cute. All that angsty pouty expression in MY hands!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Ah hem. We shall overlook my earlier albeit crazy behavior. We had geog field trip last friday and I proposed to Fish like 5 times. But alas, woe is me, for my fair love ... just looked at me and refused flat out. Actually, it was her birthday that day. I carved out 'tanjoubi omedetogozaimasu' on the sand *nods nods* Then we (me, granny, fish, leaf) went to PP. Kwang and Ting Ke joined us for lunch at KFC where we were shown how sucky customer service in S'pore is. Mildly put, Kwang was super pissed. Then they left and we went to Comics Connection where I bought my YamaP pics, Hellsing 3 and chinese version S.A. 1.

S.A. is seriously nice.

Then on sat, I had math tuition where Daniel showed us some card tricks then we learned vectors and plane geometry.

Sun was terrible. I went for my new chem tuition and I SOOO WANTED TO EITHER, a) RIP HIS TONGUE OUT or b) STRANGLE HIM. Then, mom and grandma got lost, dad got pissed, end of story.

Today, pudding gave Fish a condom that was tested on an African bull elephant before washed and sterilized and packed. Then she put it in an Olay moisturising cream box. I think I nearly died laughing. Oh and I was unbelievably high today (When am I not?)...


I'm Confused|Monday, November 05, 2007|

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The Insane__________


26 April -HINTHINT-
3e3 '07
4e3 '08
TP 1K08 '09
Full time slacker
Part time student
Also full time mood swinger
Head honcho and founder of MOSSP
Ministry Of Sexy Sick Perverts or,
Ministry Of Several Saintly People
A little crazy
Quite sadistic
Pretty perverted
Occasionally violent
As mature as a four month old kid
Yaoi lover
Manga lover
Anime lover
Light haired bishounen lover
Sesshoumaru rawks
Byakuya is cool
My life is sad.


Ikimasu YAY~

Past Memories__________

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
April 2010

Talk To Me________

I can't be bothered to add linkies to friends and accquaintances so live with it but here's my livejournal account (which is dead).

Layout By

|My World Of Nice Memories|
|My World Of Sadness|