Friday, October 26, 2007

\St. Agnes pudding is 101% crack...//

Its a little late but on mon, we of MOSSP went to Videoworld for lunch and me and Fish were, as usual, fangirling. Then Pudding said something so freakin hilarious we nearly died laughing.

During EOYs, Fish got SUPER high for Bio so Pudding started calling her mrs Peh. Then on mon when we were fangirling, Pudding, who has this innate ability to jump illogically from Point A to Point D, linked her disparaging of the ONE AND ONLY HIROKI AIBA's eyebrows and Fish's new nickname.

P: Imagine if Fish and Mr Peh were together and watching television, then Fish sees Aiba, "*points* "Aiba!"
Then Mr Peh will go, "*points* Joker!"
(disclaimer: the above situation may not be exactly what happened but I have a shittyterribleshitty memory, so too bad.)

OMFGROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! (Inside joke people, inside joke...)

Seriously, St Agnes Pudding is like our daily dose of crack. Add the rest of the MOSSPians and you get Granny-eating-St Agnes Pudding-with-Lemon sauce-and-mint Leaf-while-snaking-on-Anchovies kinda crack.

But y'know, sometimes I think MOSSPians' conversations are a bit too...explicit and too much adult contents... If anyone else hears our convos, they'd be pretty shellshocked and wondering what on earth were students learning these days...

Yesterday, we had to sell our guides cookies and WOW!!! I SOLD EVERYONE OF THEOSE FIVE BOXES IN A SINGLE DAY!!! @_@ Is that pro or is that pro? Then I went to Kino with Music Prodigy... Annoying idiot was, as usual, showing off his superior intellectual skills... (Yes you do show off. Don't try to deny.)

And today was A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!!!! Only like half the class or less was really cleaning the classroom lor, then they found a lizard. Dunno what happened but the lizard left its tail behind and the other girls were SCREAMING THEIR HEADS OFF...I mean, its just a lizard! And talking about lizards, I remember the time at OBS, I mixed up the word for lizard in my dialect and Malay so I pointed at the lizard we spotted and said very confidantly, "Kachak." Then Sharifah was with me that time I think, she burst out laughing... Apparently, in malay that's 'handsome'... -_-'''

Also, our extremelypregnantduetogointolaboranymoment principal appears to be incapable of giving speeches that are short, sweet and straight to the point. It'd be a miracle if she manages to give a speech that lasts five or less minutes.

Oh and did I mention today's the last day of school? But for our poor cohort we have to come back to school for an entire week! With back to back Intensive studies! Talk about a sad sad way to start the hols.



I'm Confused|Friday, October 26, 2007|

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

\I totally love the Heian period...(kakkoi!!)//

I finally finished watching Proposal Daisakusen. OMG I totally hated YamaP's chara in that show!!!! He's fine in all his other shows but this particular show really ticked me off. Oh well, at least its over...Maybe I should start watching Shirota's dramas ne?

So, new anime I'm watching now is set in the Heian period and its SUPER cool (Sugei Kakkoi!!!) And I think that the word Onmyoji is cool, it reads "Yin Yang Shi" in chinese and the the clothes they wear are cute... Sorta reminded me of Harukanaru show, Abe no Yasuaki. Best of all, this show has loads of cuties too!!! shamelessly fangirling And what the main chara calls his grandfather is tooo cute 'Tanuki Jiji!!!!' (I mean, WTF??? Racoon geezer???) but the monsters look disgusting, just plain disgusting...

Right now, I'm very worried about my SPA...I totally suck at it. Especially Bio. And titration. I never EVER get the kind of results I'm supposed to get. Also, I have this impossibly unfathomable habit of not thinking before doing something. So its like almost a given for me to flunk SPA...*dies*

P.S. Taking JLPT this year and I still dunno shit about forms and sentence patterns so wish me shit loads of luck.


I'm Confused|Tuesday, October 23, 2007|

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Friday, October 19, 2007

\Hey Sunshine...//

We watched this really cool show today in the studio called Remembering the Titans, or something like that. It was soooo nice... then this long haired bishie came on scene and kissed the team Captain. MAJOR NOSEBLEED It was soo whacky...then they were exchanging 'Mama' jokes. That show was full of dry humor and pretty sad too... I loved the part where the injured guy deadpanned, "I'm hurt, not dead." XXXXXXD

We got our schedules for the extended studies today. *dies* It was enough to make anyone faint. The teachers sure believe in making the best of the time they have. Its like another school week altogether...haizzz...

Also, me and Fish went Comics Connection today and I bought a NEWS poster!!! (Go YamaP!!!)

Albeit abrupt but nothing else to say...Ja. Owari.

I'm Confused|Friday, October 19, 2007|

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

\EOYS sucked//

Hey, let's do a summary of my terribleshittypathetic grades so far.

English: A1
A math: C5
Chem: D7
Bio: C5
Comb. Humans: C5

Lookie people! Is it shit or is it shit? Haizzz, someone just light the fuse of that cannon over there and blow me into smithereens already.
The greatest blow of all is the Chemistry. Drastic drop from A2 to D7 as well as the first major paper I failed in my entire schooling history. To be frank, i was super upset. But all I can do is just try harder next time ne?

OKAY! Change of topic! My new craze... YamaP!!!! Full name, Yamashita Tomohisa. Born on April 9th 1985. He is sooo cute...especially in his dramas. And his voice is SEXAY!!! Actually, in Nobuta wo Produce, Shuuji and Akira are quite slashable... (Nobuta power, Chuu Nyuu!)(Sei...NOUBTA!!!)(Shuuu-ji-kuun)(Kon.)Go Kusano Akira!!!! You are too cute for words...
Then in Kurosagi, I swear YamaP looks hot in almost anything...except that hippie cleaner disguise...That was...disgusting. But it worked so never mind. Absolutely love the way Kurosaki speaks in a deadpan tone, "Deita." Pet phrases in this show are, Bang (with the hand); Maido Ari; My name is Kurosaki, my occupation, swindling; and one that Fish made up and i found soo darn cute, I will swindle your house (and especially your cat) from you. *DIES* Omigosh, I totally <3 you Fish...

Saa, Maido Ari!


I'm Confused|Wednesday, October 17, 2007|

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Monday, October 08, 2007

\I got trashed by someone smaller built than me.//

Can I shoot myself already? Like please. Yesterday, grading. Then R switched my sparring partner. I was supposed to spar with Nikki but in the end, she sparred with her primary school friend and I sparred with Nikki's sparring partner's original partner. Bloody hell, I felt like I was kicked by a horse. She was that good... Man, I wanna be like her. I seriously underestimated her. She looked all petite and harmless but she can bite. Is it a better thing to have been kicked in the muscle or the bone afterall? If you think of it, being kicked in muscle hurts whenever you walk but the bone only hurts when you touch it. Haizzzz...oh well, I take injuries well I guess...

Change of topic. Kamenashi Kazuya is hot. And he makes a really cute Kindaichi. So now Im watching shows that he appear in like Nobuta wo produce. (OMIGOSH!!!! I LOVE KUSANO AKIRA!!!!) Some guy from NEWS acted Akira, Yamashita something, he ain't that hot but I love his character. I tell you, he's my new role model...Watch it. It is soooo...lame. Just my type of show. Beware Fish, Im so gonna use Akira's behavior as an example...Mehehehehe...Sigh, but he is just sooo adorable...and random just like me. He is also just a little bit crazy. We are so fated...

Random fact, I wanna go Taka.
Random fact number two, We're supposed to go baking at Fish's house tomorrow.


I'm Confused|Monday, October 08, 2007|

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The Insane__________


26 April -HINTHINT-
3e3 '07
4e3 '08
TP 1K08 '09
Full time slacker
Part time student
Also full time mood swinger
Head honcho and founder of MOSSP
Ministry Of Sexy Sick Perverts or,
Ministry Of Several Saintly People
A little crazy
Quite sadistic
Pretty perverted
Occasionally violent
As mature as a four month old kid
Yaoi lover
Manga lover
Anime lover
Light haired bishounen lover
Sesshoumaru rawks
Byakuya is cool
My life is sad.


Ikimasu YAY~

Past Memories__________

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
April 2010

Talk To Me________

I can't be bothered to add linkies to friends and accquaintances so live with it but here's my livejournal account (which is dead).

Layout By

|My World Of Nice Memories|
|My World Of Sadness|