Thursday, September 27, 2007


I found a meme on Kwang's blog so I did it for fun hehehe

List out your Top 5 Birthday Presents Which You Wish For:
A million dollar kino voucher
My very own real life anime bishounen harem
Shirota's photobook
D boys' photobook
Snowboarding trip to Japan

Answer the following questions:
1. The person who tagged u was:
All hail the Emperor Can't See

2. Your relationship with him/her is?
She loves me so much she's in self denial.

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
Fellow pervert
Love rival
Desperately in love with me

4. Most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
Everything. Existing. Making me laugh my guts and what-not out with teh lamest jokes ever and tickling my funny hentai bone

5. Most memorable words he/she has said to you?
I'm gonna rape you in your sleep Can't really remember leh...she said alot of memorable things to me...

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
Get rid of all evidence...(mehehehe)

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
Not happening but I wish she'd let me play with her hair...

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
Kick her ass then go into depression for a while...

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, what would the reason be?
I molest her and her hair too many times...

10. The thing you desire to do most for him/her would be?
Dunno...just did something i felt was really nice, not too long ago...lending her Bleach...

11. Overall impression of him/her?
Fun person to hang around with and deeeeeeeeeep

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
One of my favourite phrases, "Insanity is contagious." So probably people around me feel like somehow they should stay away before I corrupt their innocent minds?

13. A character trait you love about yourself?
Laughing when there's nothing to laugh about.

14. A character trait you hate about yourself?
Lack of self restraint...

15. Person you want to be?
Successful probably. In hotel management. I wanna show the world that males are THE inferior species and that hospitality is not dead in S'pore

16. Say something to the people who care for you!
Domo arigato gozaimasu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people to know what they feel about you.
1. Fish
2. Dai Ling
3. Agnes
4. Imesha
5. Tiky
6. Jess (Hah...I'm making you do this again)
7. Serene
8. Abigail
9. Ting ke
10. Ting

Who is #6 having a relationship with?
She loves me... so much that she is trying to chase my TTTRRRIIICCCIIIAA

Is #9 a male or female?
Female lah

If #7 and #10 are together, will it be a good thing?
NEVER!!!! I will never let my precious little sis turn les

How about #8 and #5?
Abi is straight, that's for sure. Tiky...not too sure...

What is #2 studying about?
Same as me!!! Pure bio chem. Geog. Lit elect. Eng. Chi. Math. A math

When was the last you talked to #3?

What kind of music does #8 like?
Hmm...dunno leh... never asked...

Does #1 have any siblings?
Yep her bro.

Will you woo #3?
*shakes head vigorously* NEVER. I'm so straight I can be an airport runway. I just don't seem straight.

How about #7?
Ditto. But I like to disturb her...

Is #4 single?
Leaf is chasing her...trying to smooch her everytime she gets the chance

What's #5's surname?
Kistune Warlord...

How about #10's?
Same as me...

#4's hobby?
Singing. I swear, she must be a jukebox in her past life...

Do #5 and #9 get along?
Don't think they even know each other exist...

Where does #2 study at?
Home. She says she cannot study with people...

Say something casual about #1

Have you tried developing feelings about #8?
Like I said, Im so straight and that would be letting TTTRRRIIICCCCIIIAAA down but I have friendly feelings towards her cuz she's nice.

Where does #9 live?
The fantastic world of Taiwan dramas...

Are #5 and 1# best friends?
They know each other, don't think they're best friends but they're MY best friends + Leaf+Agnes+Jess and the rest of MOSSP and more....

Does #7 like #2?
Nope. Cuz Leaf calls her names...

How did you get to know #2?
TKGS 3e3 2007.

Does #1 have any pets?
I think she has a dog at home?

Is #7 the sexiest person in the world?
She is sexy but TTTTRRRIIIICCCCIIIAAA is teh sexiest... meh heh. No comments...

This meme really sticks out like a sore thumb from my emo background...

I'm Confused|Thursday, September 27, 2007|

+ + + + +

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

\EOY should die and never ever come back//

Chem paper was *!!&^&*#&#%@!#*@&#$#&@$^@*&#^&*@%@^#$@$#^#@^&#%^&*$#%$@!!~*@%&*((*)^&#^@)__!_~+(&*(&# hard can? And Chinese paper 1? I don't even want to remember there is such a thing called Chinese essays. ~gloom~

I think my head works like this. Empty, then cram, then regurgitate then empty again. Short term retention. So like now, if you asked me what is covalent bonding or about conflict in Northern Ireland, I'd probably give you a blank look that says 'What the hell are you talking about?'

So now Im going to unwind and empty my head thoroughly before stuffing Geography and A math in. (^_^)

I'm Confused|Wednesday, September 26, 2007|

+ + + + +

Monday, September 24, 2007


Omigosh...Yuu's photobook is out!!!! I WANT!!!!! Ah if only I had the chance and means to support Yuu chan... I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want... and I really want see him in person...sigh... Never mind, I shall support Shirota Yuu and wish him all the best in his future endeavours....
(Pure random rubbish from a Shirota Yuu fanatic with the capital F)

I'm Confused|Monday, September 24, 2007|

+ + + + +

Friday, September 21, 2007

\All hail Emperor Can't See//

Lool...EOYs this year are killer papers man...two down, seven more to go....haizzz life really sucks.
English was crap. Didn't know half of what I was writing. Social Studies, more crap. That says everything. And still, I'm not studying...I seriously need to re-psycho myself into study mode. The previous try doesn't seem to work...

ANYWAY, today, I nearly split my sides thanks to Kwang... Why is Emperor Kang Xi blind? Because he Can't See...LMAO. Omg, that girl is the Pharoh of lame jokes...

Yayness, my lovely Fishie's taking the colors award on behalf of C div and Germaine is getting individual colors pro can? (GO FISH!!! GO GERMAINE!!!!)

Oh and this is totally irrevelant but I'm coloring the strings again this EOY (^_^) Wish me luck cuz I'll need loads!

I'm Confused|Friday, September 21, 2007|

+ + + + +

Thursday, September 13, 2007

\I felt the earth move!//

This is probably the first time I felt tremors in my life...or so my memory tells me. Anyway, I felt the tremors during first period today. It was pretty awesome...and scary at the same time. What I found ironic was that it was during Geog and Seaweed deviated from waves and coastal landforms to plate tectonics...

Oh and today, we got our progress report... The first thing I saw was the score. Then I didn't believe it so I checked the name. Then I checked the score again and checked the name again. That was how shocked I was. I totally didn't think that was my paper and score that I was holding. And we got our CIP records too. Me and Aggie got cheated of 30 hours...loool

Now, FANGIRLING TIME!!! Fish introduced this Power Ranger like show to me called Gekiranger...LAME. But the guys are sooo cute. Man...who knew that Zukki could look so cute ignoring the fact that he cannot for the life of him sing decently. And ARAKI IS SOOOO SEXY!!!!! Leather so becomes him...and bondage...(snicker...typically MOSSPian)...My absolute fav chara in the show and main antagonist...(A love warrior that fights for Rio sama's love...) Also, rare female chara that I support...(GO MELE!!! Even though I feel super envious over the fact that you get to breathe the same air as Rio sama...) even the protagonist's sidekick is cute... To tenimyu lovers, the cool part was the part where Araki (Inui) faces off with Zukki (Oishi)...if one uses tenimyu sense, Inui would definitely win ne?

(Just to piss Fish off: Sho sha wa Tezuka, Mae sha wa Atobe!)

I'm Confused|Thursday, September 13, 2007|

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Monday, September 10, 2007

\何をまってる 君はいない部屋//

I love Gravitation songs. They are sooo nice... and Yuki looks so sweet with Shuichi...ecspecially at the end of the OVA and the part where he finds Aizawa for revenge for his 'Shu-chan'...sigh... and Ghost hunt is terribly nice in a scary way... I was crying buckets at File 5. Kenji kun was sooo cute and he died so tragically... sniff...

On a more serious note, I just realized how much I want to dance again. Then I experience the painful reason why. Its more of a physical limitation that restricts me than an emotional one. I guess I never really did recover from the old injuries. Don't even talk about dancing; just walking hurts sometimes. I feel like a bird with clipped wings, unable to fly, left only with memories that haunt my consciousness.
*shivers* that was so angsty... someone please just shoot me already...

I'm Confused|Monday, September 10, 2007|

+ + + + +

The Insane__________


26 April -HINTHINT-
3e3 '07
4e3 '08
TP 1K08 '09
Full time slacker
Part time student
Also full time mood swinger
Head honcho and founder of MOSSP
Ministry Of Sexy Sick Perverts or,
Ministry Of Several Saintly People
A little crazy
Quite sadistic
Pretty perverted
Occasionally violent
As mature as a four month old kid
Yaoi lover
Manga lover
Anime lover
Light haired bishounen lover
Sesshoumaru rawks
Byakuya is cool
My life is sad.


Ikimasu YAY~

Past Memories__________

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
April 2010

Talk To Me________

I can't be bothered to add linkies to friends and accquaintances so live with it but here's my livejournal account (which is dead).

Layout By

|My World Of Nice Memories|
|My World Of Sadness|