Thursday, August 23, 2007

\Katsu no wa Seigaku Makeru wa Hyoutei//

I don't care if it sounds better the other way. Seigaku rocks more. But Hyoutei is pretty interesting too... There, a compromise, Fish? Anyway, I'm trying my hand at a slash fic, AtoJi. My first try, so not sure about skills at slash fics... Frankly, I just say Hyoutei sucks to piss Fish off but Hyoutei is a VERY interesting slash team...I love the Dirty pair, the Silver pair and AtoJi (dunno what pair are they, too lazy to check) then I just got a horrifying thought.
Hiyoshi/Kabaji. Pretty scary eh? Then I just read this fic, Hyoutei goes to karaoke joint, Gakuto picks out a duet CD for a dirty song to sing with Yuushi (They ARE called the Dirty pair after all), then Atobe sings another song with Jiroh, they were sharing a mike, and that transvestite just HAD to go interupt their lovey dovey moment by grabbing the mike and saying this,
[quote] “Jiroh and Atobe,” he (Gakuto)announced slowly, flicking the microphone up to max volume. “If you want to make out, please just do so, and stop molesting the innocent third party(microphone).
ROFL. I nearly fell outta my chair man... and I still hate that drag queen. Period.

I'm Confused|Thursday, August 23, 2007|

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

\I am a retard//

I know this is a bit late but hey, excuse me for being a slow retard... First off, I LOVE YOU IXORA!!!! I'll remember this PLIC for the rest of my life... (People, LISTEN UP!!! I'M THE ONLY LEMON THAT'S SWEET!!! THE SWEETEST LEMON EVER!!!) That's what my patrol said of me!!! MEEEEE!!!!! *dies*
Sigh, but they didn't manage to find me even though I hid in a SUPER obvious place!!!! :p Anyways, I'll post the pics later on if i remember or if i have the time...

So, recently, I've been wondering if the anime characters that i like and are not main characters have reeeaaallly bad luck or what, but more than half of them gets killed off in the middle of the show. And they are mostly the reeaallly cute villains or antiheroes. Like now im watching Black Cat, there's this baddie called Charden, he has loooong blonde hair and blue eyes and he can use blood to kill people. Cool or what? :D But he dies...*cries* Then the really psycho chief baddie is kinda cute too in a psycho way...and and there's this ebil ebil bile bile mad doctor who is also real cute with the specs and perpetual Black Kyouya aura but with evil psyho tendencies like his master. Also, this is one of the rare animes where i like the protagonists. The main chara, this Rurouni Kenshin like guy called Train is a former assassin called Black Cat, Chronos number XIII. Waaay cute. There's loads more cuties in the show but the cute antagonists KEEP dying!!!!! Damn!!! Oh and there's also a rare female chara that i like in Black Cat. She's a little girl named Eve, she's a biomachine and she is soooo friggin adorable!!! Especially the way she puts across sarcastic remarks with a face like an angelic innocent...

Saa, I gotta go for taekwondo soon so, ja ne minna san!!!!!

I'm Confused|Wednesday, August 22, 2007|

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Monday, August 13, 2007

\She loves children...roasted in oyster sauce...//

As of now, children are officially bad for my health....Everytime we go babysit them, the indignant feelings that just build up inside stirs me from my laziness and literally compels me to blog. Calling them children is waay too mild. This just proves that the maturity rate of adolescents is decreasing by generation like nobody's business. While we had actually taken time off to babysit them and keep them entertained, they just went off to Burger King. And they were sitting on the bench and WATCHING us clear up after them. It was then that I realized that what my sister refers to as my eye power works. I glared at them. Like with all the hatred and rage inside me, trying to incinerate them with my eyes. And they capitulated with act-cute petulant whines. A whole bunch of spoilt brats and idiots. That's all they are. And the teachers aren't helping matters either. They CODDLE the children. Its as if the words 'Discipline' and 'Respect' and 'Gratitude' doesn't exist in their dictionaries, teachers or students. If those little creatures ever join our company, they're in for a rude awakening. I will do my best to make them feel oh so comfortable.

I think I'm masochistically sadistic. I actually like going to babysit those eeejits, getting all infuriated and when my moods goes to extremes, I get all high and mood-swingy. I even think I purposely find fault with them to fuel my anger and tolerating the almost insane, cannibalistic urge to rend them from limb to limb.

I am soo sick in the mind...

I'm Confused|Monday, August 13, 2007|

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Monday, August 06, 2007


You wanna know what I think? I think I'm allergic to exams.

I mean, I get all these wretched symptoms come exams or CAs like sore throat, cough, snifflies, runny nose and the like. One more thing, its waay too many times to be coincidence. Like today, the urge to just rip my nose off or saw it off was OVERWHELMING. And sneezing+time of the month=Nigara falls. That's what happened today during Chemistry paper. I nearly died. And the paper was tough. And I just found out that sulphuric acid was in car batteries and not in the engine.-_-""...HEY!!! That was a last minute answer. Something I scribbled down in the last few seconds.

Oh and did I mention that I was unbelievably high today? Probably half the people who met me today was like, 'O-kay...maybe I should stay far away from this person (me)...Insanity is contagious...'

I wanna go Kino tomorrow...I wanna buy Vampire Doll before the discount period's over...
I'm so typically Singaporean...

I'm Confused|Monday, August 06, 2007|

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Friday, August 03, 2007



I mean it. My batch weren't exactly model students but compared to them, we're saintly. Spoilt, pampered little eeejits, I tell you. Wolves in sheeps' clothing, devils behind cherubic appearences.... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fell asleep in class twice today... then got scolded by loyloy... Well, EXCUSE ME for sleeping at 9 almost every night... I still feel shitty... Woke up with a terribly sore throat this morning....

And what's with the world? FYI, if you haven't noticed, its degenerating. Frankly, I can hardly imagine the world of tomorrow in the hands of our generation but I cannot even bear to think of what it will be like come the later generation. They're THAT bad. So far, I've only known a few promising young ones but the rest are RUBBISH. Period. super annoyed now... and I had to raise my endangered voice just to be noticed...I seriously empathise with Shar and Nikki... *goes back to cursing stupidlittlebratswhodon'tknowhowtolisten*

I'm Confused|Friday, August 03, 2007|

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Thursday, August 02, 2007


I feel terrible. Like OMG SO FRIGGIN SUCKY!!! My lungs are gonna come out, followed by my pulmonary vein then my aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle, median speptum and the rest of the stuff that lies in my chest. (Hey I DO listen in Bio...)*Dies*
And I haven't studied for Geog yet!!!! (Yes Fish, I actually had the intention of studying. Emphasis on the word HAD.) Sigh...

Chinese music video was side-spiltting, mildly put. Leaf fast forwarded the recording so we all had Bart sounding voices. Too funny. And I got one mark lower than Leaf in Chinese!!! *dances around crazily*

Oh and Tiky got beaten up on stage today! I just couldn't stop laughing...still smothering my laughter now...

Haizzzz...alrighty. Updated. Wish me luck people...

I'm Confused|Thursday, August 02, 2007|

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The Insane__________


26 April -HINTHINT-
3e3 '07
4e3 '08
TP 1K08 '09
Full time slacker
Part time student
Also full time mood swinger
Head honcho and founder of MOSSP
Ministry Of Sexy Sick Perverts or,
Ministry Of Several Saintly People
A little crazy
Quite sadistic
Pretty perverted
Occasionally violent
As mature as a four month old kid
Yaoi lover
Manga lover
Anime lover
Light haired bishounen lover
Sesshoumaru rawks
Byakuya is cool
My life is sad.


Ikimasu YAY~

Past Memories__________

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
April 2010

Talk To Me________

I can't be bothered to add linkies to friends and accquaintances so live with it but here's my livejournal account (which is dead).

Layout By

|My World Of Nice Memories|
|My World Of Sadness|