Wednesday, April 21, 2010

\I forgot to mention this but its THE END//

Yep and it has been the end for quite a while cuz I thought a new chapter in my life deserved a brand new blog so this blog is and has been theoretically dead unless I wanna post stuff about my life as a walking photosynthesising plant and the wonderful period in my life known as the MOSSPian era.

Kinda late posting this but oh wells I just thought I should end this properly.

So long. Fare thee well. Thanks for reading. Nice having you around. Ta ta for now.



I'm Confused|Wednesday, April 21, 2010|

+ + + + +

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Right now I feel like the worst so called 'friend' in this whole universe.

Somehow, somewhere along the past few months or so, I feel that I have abandoned a very close and dear friend when she needed support.
I cannot imagine what she has been through, all those lies and betrayals and disappointments.
And most importantly, I had not been there for her when others were.
Only now, I see just how bad things were but I feel somehow not worthy to comfort her, it seems very shallow and insincere.

I'm sorry for not being there for you. I love you.

I'm Confused|Saturday, October 24, 2009|

+ + + + +

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Apparently, shopping and watching television makes me depressed.

In the past 22 days, I have shopped more and watched more television than I have in my whole entire life. Plus the fake nails kills my nonexistent typing abilities. (OMG WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO LEMON??)

PLUS I got public speaking for my CDS and I have only one word to say about that: FUCK. I am so going to withdraw. My timetable sucks to the max.

I feel super depressed.

I'm Confused|Sunday, October 18, 2009|

+ + + + +

Saturday, August 29, 2009

\I love you. And it kills me to see you in pain.//

I want her to smile like before, that childlike guilelessness and simple happiness

I want her to sleep with happy thoughts, untroubled by any worries

I want her to spend her time doing the things she loves, sewing or watching her dramas in peaceful contentment

I want her to be safe in her own little world, untouched by the darkness of human hearts and insatiability

I want her to be healthy, not having to suffer the pain of illness and helplessness as her coughing chokes her and leaves her weak

I want to give her the world

Like how she gave me my world and everything that I am now.

I'm Confused|Saturday, August 29, 2009|

+ + + + +

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I injured my leg again today and felt so naseous that I had to sit out training for a few minutes. I can't seem to do my techniques properly and I always get overpowered.


I'm Confused|Sunday, August 16, 2009|

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Am a walking contradiction and a living, breathing oxymoron to boot.


Am a perfectionist who is too lazy to be perfect.


Am a narcissist with a bloody inferior complex.

I don't think I suffer from split personality. Just very VERY volatile moods.


I'm Confused|Wednesday, August 12, 2009|

+ + + + +

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Thank you very much for guilt tripping me. God knows that is excatly what I need now.

SURE your work is a hell lot more important than my school work and prior appointments.
So in other words, you're telling me to get my priorities straight cuz your work is THE most important and you're also training me to grow up to be an irresponsible person who blows people off at her own convenience. If you tell me like that straight in my face, it's better. Seriously don't bullshit and give me the illusion of choices BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE.

Get mad at me. Then cool off and say that I can do whatever I want cuz I'm old enough to think for myself then give me the what 'give birth to a peice of char siew better, at least can eat the char siew' shit. After that, proceed to make my days as miserable as possible by dropping comments about how much I fucking owe you. You're lucky I actually care about you enough to let you bend me to your guilt tripping. Cuz if anyone else tried to do this to me, I'd rip them a new asshole in less than a second.

Isn't it great? Having children = having people at your beck and call because they owe you the gift of life.

I will bite my tongue and never tell you this to your face because you are still in a position to make me consider suicide. But I will die if I have to keep this to myself and grit and bear it. I am human, not some emotionless mindless minion. I have feelings but I doubt you will ever realise that because only you exist in your world.

Thanks for not caring about how I really feel and not even trying to understand me.

I'm Confused|Sunday, June 14, 2009|


Its already the beginning of the last week of term break and guess what,

What I HAVE done is
- Auto slammed myself
- PWNed the other team at the relay race with my awesome team
- Melted partially at streetfest
- Got drunk from excessive 100 plus
- Had hangover from mentioned drunk period
- Gotten a full body muscle ache
- Crashed both my lappies

I am deader than a dodo.

I am gonna hope that I wake up one morning and find all my projects MIRACULOUSLY completed. Preferably before term break ends.

I'm Confused|Sunday, June 14, 2009|

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The Insane__________


26 April -HINTHINT-
3e3 '07
4e3 '08
TP 1K08 '09
Full time slacker
Part time student
Also full time mood swinger
Head honcho and founder of MOSSP
Ministry Of Sexy Sick Perverts or,
Ministry Of Several Saintly People
A little crazy
Quite sadistic
Pretty perverted
Occasionally violent
As mature as a four month old kid
Yaoi lover
Manga lover
Anime lover
Light haired bishounen lover
Sesshoumaru rawks
Byakuya is cool
My life is sad.


Ikimasu YAY~

Past Memories__________

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
April 2010

Talk To Me________

I can't be bothered to add linkies to friends and accquaintances so live with it but here's my livejournal account (which is dead).

Layout By

|My World Of Nice Memories|
|My World Of Sadness|